Shops 9177 » Main Obligations of the Self-employed Collaborator

Main Obligations of the Self-employed Collaborator

In the eyes of the tax agency, a self-employed collaborator is an employee, and unlike the self-employed owner of the business. They do not have to submit quarterly vat or personal income tax returns. Your only obligation is to present the income statement like any other employee.

However, in the eyes of social security they are considered self-employed. So they have the right to unemployment under the same conditions. As a self-employed person and not as a self-employed worker.

Obligations of the self-employed owner

In addition to complying with the social security. Contributions of the self-employed family collaborator, whose bonuses we have mentioned before. The self-employed owner must pay a monthly salary to the collaborator according to his position and experience. These items must be counted as Phone Number List deductible expenses of your business. For the purposes of calculating performance on your own tax returns.It is a very simple process since you do not have to register with the tax agency, it is enough to do .It as a collaborating family member in the social security by filling out and presenting the ta0521/2 form .

Family book
A copy of the registration in the treasury of the self-employed business owner
Your money in n26

Register as a self-employed collaborator

Phone Number List

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