Where to get data for your new project

Data, data, and more data. You can’t do without it in marketing. You need it at the beginning of everything – before launching a new campaign, launching a new product or service on the market, and of course you will come across it when evaluating and analyzing your campaigns, strategies, and action plans. In this article today, I will focus on the data you need at the so-called input. At the beginning of everything was the word: DATA.

When collecting data for a new project, use the following types of sources. Organize the data into logical units, put them in context, and also compare and verify them. Choose reliable sources and compare the same data from different sources to have control over their accuracy and to eliminate your own errors, for example when transcribing or interpreting them.

Custom data

It’s best if you already have your own data available. For example, data and information from an existing business, from another branch, from a similar product or service, etc. They won’t tell us everything, but they will give us a good picture of:

  • Who are our customers (men vs. women, age composition, where they live (region, city size, etc.))
  • How they behave (e.g. do they require fast delivery, are they looking for a good price or do they care about quality and customer service, are they reliable and pick up ordered shipments within x days, etc.)
  • What do they prefer (e.g. do they prefer to communicate their requests and comments to us by email, via social networks or another channel?, do they prefer to pay for our services/goods by card, transfer, cash on delivery… etc.)

A good analysis and evaluation of existing

customers can give us a good guide for setting up a new service/product that we want to introduce. However, be careful when approaching customer data provided by colleagues from a foreign branch where the service/product is already introduced.

The differences in customer needs and requirements can be truly diametrically different. What you can get by without any problems in one market may be completely unacceptable in another. From this perspective, it is necessary to consider our neighbors in Slovakia as foreign countries. Be careful, women and men often behave differently!

If I were to pause for a moment on denmark email list this point, I can say that it has been repeatedly confirmed to me that the best way to start a business is with women. And not just colleagues, but especially focusing on women – female customers is an almost sure bet. Women are much more Where to get courageous when it comes to new things, they are not afraid to try new things and give others a chance. However, this does not mean that you can “scrap” a business focused on women because “they will buy everything”. That is definitely not the case.

While women love to shop and aren’t afraid

of change, they won’t buy anything just search engine manipulation because it’s aimed at them. So be careful, but if you’re honest with women in advertising , it will pay off many times over.

Public data

Public data, i.e. available from cuba business directory public Where to get sources, is also useful. As a rule, it is data from the entire market or its segment. But definitely do not mix numbers for the whole world and do not try to copy and implement it on the Czech pond. Always take into account data related to the given region. The source of data and information that you need to know about your market will provide you with, for example.

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