the biggest drawback is that these results do not last long.
You should know that these techniques used by some websites are blacklisted by search engines once they are detected and the punishment is their disappearance from search results for the good of the internet.
is the dark side’s game
If you are looking for quick results. You are likely to give in to the world of spam. Link buying, keyword stuffing. Content spinning and negative seo.
But be careful! This commitment to quick. Results can lead to your website being penalized.
“the deeper you go into the dark side of #seo. The harder it is to come back to the light.
Creative social content is the lifeblood of the light side
But you must be very patient when taking this path, since your results and roi will be slow to come at first.
Of course, the strength is with the results and south korea phone number library roi of websites that take the bright side of seo.
White hat seo methods may require more time to show results, in fact, this path requires tedious attention to details, such as accurate meta gseo work data and tags, building a useful internal and external link structure, and friendly and requested content.
The deeper you slide into
the whitewash of seo , the more work you’ll have to do to keep up with the latest search engine algorithms.
To compensate for this sometimes arduous the dark side of seo work is the peace of mind that google will not penalize you.