To impose behaviorist practices, to give them free rein as soon as they fit perfectly into the logic of the coalescence between the discourse of science and the discourse of capitalism symptom persists . the last governments have reli on associations of parents of autistic children. They reli on these associations as user associations and not as parent associations.
We do not see why being parents would give them any rights, any knowlge, it is as users that they have their say, as caregivers, as they are increasingly left in charge of their child. They are even allow to access training to be able to look after their children like professionals.
The point I want to symptom persists emphasize
is that giving parents a voice in no way contradicts what we have said about the family structure, that it is about operating a separation between each of its accurate clean numbers list from frist database members. In short, it is about not taking into account the special bond, the intimate bond, that exists between parents and children.
This special, intimate bond, this irrucible place, often results in a feeling of guilt when something happens to our child. It is one of the ways of subjectivizing this unable to create user account in windows 11 singular bond that escapes us most of the time, a bond that is root in the very constitution of the couple that presid over the birth of the lovely offspring. It is this bond that is symptomatic and that can make the child the symptom of the truth of the family couple. The family is the first institution that the child encounters.
For complex reasons that gave
its particular colour to the clinic of children, at a time when psychogenesis and organogenesis were in conflict, the family could be consider responsible, as the cause of the symptoms and illnesses of the child. Family causality came as a glove to avoid confronting the opacity of the question of the cause.
The cause in psychoanalysis does not list of real mobile phone numbers relate to the event, the situation, the conjuncture, but to the structure, it originates from an absence, an absence of relationship, that of the sexual relationship. Family causality, by veiling the very structure of the cause, could only lead to an impasse. The guilt in question does not necessarily lead to a process of subjectivation.