Some Windows 11 users are having problems creating or adding a new user account like other users on their Windows 11 computer. If you are one of those who are unable to create a new user account on your Windows 11 system, here are some simple solutions to fix this issue.
Method 1: Replace the corrupted default directory
Sometimes this error occurs if the default user directory is corrupted. So, deleting and recreating the directory should help.
1. Open File Explorer and go to the Users directory (C:\Users).
2. Now copy the Default folder and paste it to another location as a backup.
Delete default folder
3. Then delete the entire Default folder from the Users directory.
If the default directory is not visible, open the View menu , hover over Show and click/check the Hidden Items country wise email marketing list option .
View hidden objects
Deleting the default directory will also delete all user settings and preferences. But don’t worry! After rebooting, Windows will automatically create a new one with the default settings.
4. After rebooting, try to create a new user using Windows settings.
Method 2: Create a user account using CMD
1. Type ” CMD ” in the Start menu and click ” Run as administrator ” on the right.
2. From the command prompt, run the following command to create an account without a password:
net user accountname /add
Be sure to replace accountname my professional cleaning service has been specializing with the account name you want.
net user Riley /add
network user command
You will see the message “Command completed successfully”, which means that a new account has been created, but without a password.
3. If you want to create an account with a password, run this instead:
Net user accountname password /add
Here, replace the account name and password with your desired account name and password.
net user Swann Tre5487! /add
Method 3: Add a new account bahrain lists using Computer Management.
1. Right-click the Start menu and select Computer Management .
Open Computer Management
2. When the Computer Management tool opens, select Local Users and Groups from the left pane.