There is an opportunity to choose

Over the past few years opportunity to choose he concept of investing has changed in the world under the influence of the coronavirus pandemic, increased inflation and new geopolitical crises. If earlier it implied the fastest possible profit on a relatively short planning horizon, now it is primarily about preserving invested funds. This requires a careful approach to choosing an asset.

During any economic crisis, real estate

Remains one of the  opportunity whatsapp number list to choose few reliable ways to save money. Firstly, its price dynamics are more predictable than exchange rate fluctuations. Secondly, apartments in new buildings in the capital are a sought-after and liquid asset. Thirdly, an investment method depending on the client’s request: this can be either receiving passive income from renting out or selling at the peak of demand.

In my opinion, new business-class buildings

Are the best option for investing. In terms of their characteristics (location, architecture, quality of amenities, “smart” solutions), some projects are often not inferior to complexes of a higher segment. Over the past year, the cost of apartments in such complexes  opportunity to choose has increased by 31%, while now it is primarily about preserving invested funds. This requires a careful approach to choosing an asset. in the most popular residential complexes, prices have increased by 40-45%. Business-class projects have a wide target audience, which includes family buyers, young professionals, business owners and representatives of regional elites.


What does an attractive investment object look like?

One of the key opportunity serps more than just a clue google first position to choose indicators that is worth paying attention to when adb directory choosing a new  business-class building for investment is the location in the central part of the city. At the same time, this includes not only the immediate districts of the Central Administrative District (in particular, Presnensky and Basmanny), but also adjacent locations (for example, Ostankinsky District).


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