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How not to make a mistake when choosing

The performance of the exhaust device is one of the most important parameters. If an exhaust system is install that goes from the toilet through the bathroom, it will process quite large volumes of air and standard fans for exhaust in the toilet with a very low efficiency level will not cope with the task set before them.

Safety of the device – an electric hood for a toilet or bathroom must comply with all safety standards and be in a seal casing. Steam and moisture often accumulate on the ceiling, so even hoods plac on the ceiling surface must be protect from the effects of such external factors.

Due to the fact that most multi-storey employment data are equipp with a common exhaust duct for several apartments, when purchasing a ventilation device, you ne to choose systems equipp with a check valve.

First of all, this is due to the fact that exhaust air, saturat with unpleasant odors from the ventilation duct, can penetrate back into the room. In addition, the check valve protects the room from the penetration of dust, fluff and other dirt from the street.

Installation of ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

Before you start installing the ventilation system in the bathroom or toilet, you ne to decide on the location of the exhaust fan. The exhaust fan structure should be locat opposite the door at the top of the wall or on the ceiling.

In this case, you ne to worry about the presence of analyze your competitors’ keywords wiring, of course, if the fan is not equipp with a battery. After choosing a convenient place, you can proce to installation, during which experts advise adhering to the following recommendations.

The following types of ventilation boxes are distinguish

  1. plastic, round or rectangular cross-section;
  2. hard or soft, made of corrugat metal;
  3. metal, tin or galvaniz, usually rectangular in cross-section.

Plastic boxes are easier to install and lighter in weight than metal structures, while they are durable and easy to maintain.

Therefore, plastic structures are confidently italy numbers metal from the construction market. Corrugat products are us extremely rarely, they are only acceptable for short distances and are us only in particularly difficult cases.

It is recommend to install the box during the renovation work in the house or even before it begins, but the installation of the fan and decorative grilles is carri out after finishing work is complet.

After completing the installation of the ventilation system, it is necessary to check the operation of the equipment.

Installing a bathroom hood with your own hands

Let’s give an example of self-installation of a hood when a ventilation duct is provid in the room:

  • we check the functionality of the ventilation shaft;
  • if the channel is clogg, we clean it with our own hands; if the area of ​​the hole does not fit the dimensions of the device, we carefully increase it to the requir size using a chisel and hammer;
  • remove the external grille from the fan, insert the device into the ventilation duct opening and secure it with screws or liquid nails;
  • make sure that the device is tightly position in the ventilation duct opening;
  • we cover it with a grate and use sealant to seal the joints between the outer grate and the wall;
  • we connect the wires to the electrical network;
  • For aesthetic reasons, it is better to choose a grille design that matches the style of the bathroom.

By installing an extractor fan in your bathroom or toilet, you will prevent condensation from forming on the walls and metal surfaces of faucets, eliminate unpleasant odors – the air in the bathroom will be clean and the room dry.

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