Have an overview of the market

You can start by getting a detailed status report on CPC Map to stay up to date with the advertising department situation of a particular industry, country or region.


Select a country and/or industry to get an overview of your chosen local CPC market.


This is also a good way to find out the average CPC revenue you can generate by running ads in a specific industry and region.

2. Compare price Have an overview of the market and demand

As we discussed earlier, all that glitters is not gold. Searching for the most profitable industry or keyword based solely on revenue amount is not necessarily the most cost-effective option. Expensive ads will do you no good as a publisher if there is little to no demand for the advertisers’ products.

With CPC Map, you can compare price and demand for both industries and keywords, allowing you to target the perfect balance, or find industries and keywords that are both popular and expensive.



3. Detect the latest trends

For better or worse, when it comes to online mobile phone number data updated advertising, few things last forever. Trends come and go. Prices spike and then plummet. But you can always stay ahead of the curve with a very special section of CPC Map.



And this goes for building the CPC pillar! If you’re new to SEMrush’s tools, or CPC Map in particular, and want more guidance, check out our detailed workflow on this page: How to Monetize Your Content with CPC Map .

The organic pillar

We don’t need to introduce our next guest. In fact, in this section of our guide, we’re going to play the SEO card. Because no matter how you serps more than just a clue google first position monetize your domain (by running ads or selling your products), you won’t get anywhere without organic traffic that boosts your entire business.

Pro tip: Ranking up in search results can increase your CTR on a Google SERP by 30.8%. Source: A recent study by Backlinko .

Now we’re going to show you how to quickly boost your organic traffic with minimal effort and in no time. We’ll call this section ” SEO Made Easy for Busy People .”

The challenges

Most publishers, bloggers, and online monetization specialists succumb to the temptation of SEO. After analyzing more than 30,000 websites using our Site Audit tool , we have listed the most common mistakes made on publisher websites:



The main challenges your publisher changsha mobile phone number list will face to improve your SEO are pretty simple:

1. Make a complete and accurate list of your domain’s SEO problems

2. Address these issues in a timely manner.


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