How to start a PR campaign during a crisis? In normal times, when the economy is not in turmoil, you can recommend hiring a full-time employee who will gradually begin to prepare content for social media pages and send out press releases to editors. However, in times of crisis, when communication with the audience needs to be established as quickly as possible, such a strategy does not work.
Priority tasks:
Use all available communication channels: social networks, Telegram, Yandex. Zen, media, specialized offline and online events. There is no point in relying on one platform, since today there is an active flow of audiences between social networks and media. It is impossible to predict where your potential client will end up.
Focus on quality publications
Since the com Priorities for middle east mobile number list petition for readers has seriously intensified, it is pointless to generate routine news, as it only causes negative emotions and will push people to unsubscribe from you. Quality content should be either useful or image-building (creating a brand cult).
Be in touch with journalists, ideally 24/7. Your comment may be needed at any time. At the same time, do not expect that every publication will mention the advantages of your technology or your brand. Sometimes, apart from a last name and the epithet “expert”, you will not get anything. However, if you refuse journalists or do not fulfill agreements, then they will stop contacting you.
Generate news hooks
If you are a Priorities for start-up IT company, then there is no point in waiting for the media to contact you for a comment. Work ahead. Scan marketa and her practical advice for everyone every day. Based on the relevant agenda, prepare a comment with your expert assessment of what is happening or come up with news hooks/events that could potentially be of interest to the adb directory media. If the editor does not accept the text, do not get upset and send it to someone else. In their work, a PR specialist often encounters refusal.