contact name: Heath Berry
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contact person city: Portland
contact person state: Oregon
contact person country: United States
contact person zip code: 97230
business name: University of Western States
business domain:
business facebook URL:
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business angellist:
business found year: 1904
business city: Portland
business zip code: 97230
business state: Oregon
business country: United States
business language: English
business employee: 206
business category: higher education
business specialty: education, chiropractic, massage therapy, exercise & sports science, human nutrition & functional medicine, higher education
business technology: pardot,office_365,mobile_friendly,facebook_login,asp_net,gravity_forms,woo_commerce,youtube,panopto,linkedin_display_ads__formerly_bizo,google_analytics,wordpress_org,google_font_api,appnexus,hotjar,microsoft-iis,facebook_web_custom_audiences,nginx,facebook_widget,google_tag_manager
business description: University of Western States is a health sciences university in Portland, Oregon dedicated to the advancement of integrated, patient-centered care.