google instant is a google application that allows the user to immediately view some of the most searched terms related to the word or words that the user is entering into the search engine.
Therefore, it is a very quick way to identify keywords with high search volumes to add to the list of keywords that will position the website we are working on.
Google instant
google suggest
another of google’s most immediate tools is google suggest, a set of keywords that appear at the bottom of the google results page when a user performs a search.
Just like google instant
the terms displayed by google suggest are related switzerland phone number library terms that have a high search volume.
The difference between the two is that to view google suggest keywords you have to perform a search for a term beforehand and the number of words that appear is usually greater than in google instant.
In google instant, it is not necessary to perform compatible with virtually any plugin the full search, but simply start entering the words that make up the keyword to see the trends that appear.
Google suggest keyword feasibility study with google tools
so far we have seen how to create our list of keywords with the help of the tools and applications that google offers us: keyword planner, trends, instant and suggest.
But, as we have seen, with the help of some of these tools, such as google keyword planner and google trends, we can also investigate their viability to choose the most effective of all those we have included in our list.
If we use keyword planner, we should look gseo work at search volume and competition.
A keyword with a high search volume means that many people are searching for it.