Shops 9177 » Product Details Are Not Enough

Product Details Are Not Enough

If there is one aspect that is usually overlooked and underutilized in e-Commerce, it is product descriptions.

It’s tempting to just copy and paste the manufacturer’s specs from the supplier and leave it at that. Unfortunately, research has shown that inadequate product information disappoints online shoppers.

A lack of persuasion in your description can also make a negative impression on users, and can lower their confidence in encouraging their purchase.

Solutions: It is important to remember that buyers are looking for solutions to their problems. Your product description should tell users why your product is the right answer to their problem. Another solution is to do A/B testing. This test aims to get the most out of your traffic by presenting an alternative version of your web page with ai. It evaluates which version works best and aims to increase conversion rates.

Product shopping research window

Window shopping is also possible online. People just want to browse, add it to their cart and maybe one day, will buy it or remove it from their cart altogether.

Maybe they’re just wasting their time and doing some mindless scrolling or they’re doing product research.

The Internet is full of easy access to information including price and product comparisons and it is easy for shoppers to move from one online store to another.

Granted product research is one of database those cart abandonment reasons that you can’t get rid of easily, but it’s something you can turn into an opportunity.

Solution: If people are checking out your product, make sure you give your users everything to convince them that your product is what they are looking for.

Tell the story, highlight the benefits and features. Include a guarantee, highlight reviews, and make sure they can see your social proof – it’s the same as the big red “SALE” sign you see in a brick-and-mortar store.

 Payment problems


This could be a lack of payment options, credit card declined, payment system crashes, etc.

If you can’t support their desired payment option, this may trigger them to find another website that can support it.

Solution: Credit card and Paypal have always been an option but Apple Pay and Google Wallet are becoming more Shops 9177 and more popular. Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), a short-term financing solution, is also a growing force in Southeast Asia.

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