Each time we had to explain

Most of my projects in the field of communications and PR are relat to the promotion of darkmarket products, namely premium alcohol. It so happen that these brands are of European origin, so I had no choice, I simply began working with Russian representative offices of foreign brands.

Difficulties of work

Many difficulties were connect with the fact that HQ did not understand the specifics of darkmarket communication campaigns on the Russian market at all. the specifics of the industry and the peculiarities of advertising legislation. Because of this, it was almost impossible to adapt the global marketing campaign to our realities; we had to create everything from scratch. It’s good that the junior brand managers were Russian and help us defend and explain the principles of advertising legislation.

The challenge was always the mismatch america phone number list of cultural codes: we knew the campaign would work well in our market, but the central office did not understand how it could work at all. They simply had to trust us, and we have never let us down.

Of course, when working with foreign companies in our field there is always the danger of being “lost in translation”. Marketers will agree that it is practically impossible to perfectly translate into English and convey the meanings embd in slogans, positioning or big ideas.

Key achievements

After several effective campaigns, it became much more comfortable to work. The success was that one of our “dark market”, and therefore not simple, strategies began to be us on a global level. Campaigns, actually develop by us, took place in many European countries. It was very cool!

Bas on Each time my extensive experience, I would like to share recommendations on working with foreign companies and their representative offices in Russia.

Always remember that

we have Each time different what to do if someone is blackmailing you on social media cultural codes: we do not perceive the same information adb directory in the same way. There is no ne to resist this, we have one goal. Explain more about the features of our market, audience, mechanics and tools. It is important to convey right away that the European template is practically not applicable to Russia.


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