Gradually, immersing myself more and more in the industry, translator to producer. On my career path, I changed several leading companies, helped launch one production studio. Having completed several large projects as an employee, I realized that if I can help someone develop a business, then I can easily build my own, without losing the lion’s share of the profit and without reporting to the management. So in June 2012, my company Simply Good Production was born.
To the market with empty pockets
I launched a startup without investments. There was no start-up capital as such, but some clients believed in me and agreed to cooperate on prepayment terms. Perhaps, a classic story about a “lucky star” happened to me. I successfully implemented the first few projects and invested america phone number list all the profit from them into the business. In addition, the specifics of producing itself does not imply powerful material assets: it is not necessary to have your own equipment, and freelancers can be attracted to projects.
The role of loved ones in the early stages of business development
Now we can say position of assistant that we launched a family business. At the beginning of the company’s formation, my stepfather actively helped me. He was engaged in registering the company, preparing and processing all the necessary documents. Then my aunt joined the work, she kept all the accounting and controlled the financial activities of the company.
I was lucky, because at the start
I did not face criticism from my spending during the growing relatives. However, I did not feel much support from the rest of the family. I was simply burning adb directory with position of assistant my business, going my own way, not listening to advice or opinions.Diversify your sources of income to maintain psychological comfort: blog, mentoring, monetized hobby. Anything that can be done remotely for several hours a week or on weekends.