IT experts and meia executives

By Kati Bremme. The  Innovation and Foresight Department. With the all-powerful GAFAM and their capitalist data model on one side. The  and the BATX with their “communist” exploitation on the other. The  Europe seems more than ever to nee an independent digital infrastructure. This week. The  a German alliance of scientists. The  IT experts and meia executives. The  le by former SAP CEO Henning Kagermann and Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) CEO Ulrich Wilhelm. The  calle on the European Union to set up an “Independent Digital Infrastructure”.


 Their call highlights

urgency of finding an alternative to the American and cell phone database Chinese Internet giants. The strategic document with the multilingual title ” European Public Sphere – Gestaltung der Digitalen Souveränität Europas ” (European Public Sphere – Shaping Europe’s Digital Sovereignty) reads almost like a declaration of independence . According to the authors of the project. The  the establishment of an independent digital ecosystem would be the only way to defend European values ​​of diversity. The  privacy and openness in the face of the omnipotence of existing models.


A nee for independence

Highlighte by the coronavirus crisis The Covid-19 crisis 4 types of email marketing you should know about and the lockdown have once again demonstrate the enormous dependence of Europeans on digital giants. the force digital transformation has indee playe out in favor of social networks. The  the cloud and other communication systems . The  all domicile outside Europe. But can the digital space really become more than an amplifier of social currents? Ulrich Wilhem. The  in an interview with the SZ. The  emphasizes the importance of an alternative solution.


  Most people are easily mobilize with emotional taiwan lists appeal . The  susceptible to polarization . The  to fuel resentment. […] The big problem is that digital platforms pursue a business model that aims. The  for example. The  to ensure that users stay as long as possible. They must feel safe with people who share their ideas. […] Emotional messages spread faster and more reliably. The  and polarization increases. This may be acceptable for the entertainment sector.

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