Paid media: how to use it to promote your business on the internet?

When we talk about paid media , we immediately think of advertisements for products and services that appear in Google search results. But this digital marketing strategy is not to the world’s largest search engine!

There are a number of paid media channels on the internet that you can explore and reach different audiences that are interested in what your company is offering.

In fact, it is very important for the digital marketing agency and the company to define more than one work front for paid media. This way, it is possible to make different segmentations and reach potential audiences that access different platforms.

Acquiring new customers and selling products and services are the result of a set of digital marketing strategies. Therefore, placing all your bets on just one channel is the result of poorly structured planning, in addition to being very risky financially speaking.

READ MORE: 7 tips for setting up a Google Ads campaign from scratch


How to define paid media strategies?

The first thing before defining any europe cell phone number list marketing strategy is:

1 – Have full knowledge of the solutions offered by the products and services;
2 – Master the market segment and the competition;
3 – Identify the target audience

With this information clearly defined, the digital marketing agency and company will define the paid media channels that these audiences access most and define the best actions to attract the attention of potential customers.

Then, it’s time to carry out tests on the platforms and measure the results periodically, to understand how each ad and each channel is performing.

Two of the big secrets to making a paid media strategy work are:

1 – Define the indicators
2 – Measure periodically.

There’s no point in creating an ad and not following up on it. Sometimes, a change in mental triggers, segmentation or keywords can transform the results of lead capture and sales. That’s why you should never (ever!) abandon your ads.

6 paid media channels for your business to explore

As we said at the the best eamil marketing  tactics to boost your revenue of this article, ads created using the Google Ads platform (sponsored links , remarketing, display network, among others) are the most well-known. But that doesn’t mean that this is the only platform that exists or that it alone produces results. Learn about other platforms that your company can use to invest in paid media:

Facebook Ads

The platform allows for very changsha mobile phone number list segmentation based on trends and behaviors. Remember that you can either sponsor the content posts that your digital marketing agency develops or create a specific ad campaign. Ads can be in different formats: image, video, multimedia, carousel, instant experience and collection (these two look great on mobile, as the customer clicks on the ad and it opens in a full screen).

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