Fall and rise
Spring 2020. My My professional company is experiencing a cash flow gap due to the pandemic. We were forc to suspend cleaning after construction and renovation. We manag to cope only thanks to timely scaling. We manag to launch our own line of household chemicals for online sales. This help us survive that difficult period. However, with the return to normal operation, we experienc new success, demand began to greatly exce supply.
Registration of a franchise
The end of 2021. exclusivel My professional in cleaning after construction and renovation for 5 years now. This year, the company reaches a new level. The first premium cleaning franchise in Russia for after construction and renovation is being form, with its own unique approach not only to the quality of services provid, but also to all business processes and even the construction of a financial model. In 2022, sales of the SSClean franchise will start, and a careful selection of future franchisees is plann. I transfer not only business processes, my technology and materials of my own production, but also the right to use the SSClean brand, behind which stands a dynamically developing personal brand.
Becoming “Revizorro”
Beginning of 2022. I am opening europe cell phone number list a cleaning quality supervision body in Russia (ONKKR). The decision to open this department also arose from consumer nes. Since demand began to exce supply, not all customers could receive this service at the time they ne. SSClean began receiving requests to provide a manager who could monitor the quality of work of a third-party cleaning organization. The request was accept.
I personally carri out the first orders receiv
By this department. Later, a team cash on delivery Keep or cancel of specialists was allocat. The manager of this department carries out quality control of the services provid by cleaning companies. The visiting specialist monitors and analyzes the technical skills adb directory of the team working at the customer’s site. All its record by the ONKKR body are transferr to the cleaning company that works at the customer’s site. This leads to an improvement in the quality of work perform at this site.