Suddenly positioning

Normally, this keyword will be very competitive since. The most searched terms tend to be the most general and. Those with the greatest competition.

“cooking classes” is considered, for example. A more general term while “asian cooking. Classes in madrid” is considered a ‘ long tail’ term.

This last option will probably have

In this way, when evaluating the keywords that we taiwan phone number library will choose for the strategy of the website that we want to position, we should not be fooled by those with the highest search volume, but by those that we consider to be more effective.

Therefore, with keyword planner we can obtain the dark side of seo information about search volume and competition to accept and reject different terms according to our interests.

This practice is not easy and requires

In addition, the information provided by google trends is. Also very valuable if we want to do local seo. Since it offers us information by region and, of course, to compare. Different keywords and observe which of them. Has a higher search volume and visualize its evolution.

Google trends below is an infographic

with all the information we have seen gseo work throughout this post, do you have any doubts about how valuable certain google tools are for measuring the viability of our keywords?

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