Dark or light side of seo. Which side are you on?
Throughout your journey through professional. Digital marketing you will have to decide. Which side of seo you want to be on. How to measure the viability of a keyword’s trends with google tools?
If you are involved in the world of web positioning or are. About to do so, you will know that one of the most important steps. When implementing an seo strategy is choosing. The keywords that will be the focus of the campaign.
Throughout this article we will explain the entire process of identifying the main keywords for a web project with the help of the best google tools.
The level of accuracy when choosing
the keywords most related to a particular website will determine the greater or lesser success of the strategy.
Because these are precisely the keywords through which we will try to position a website in question, so we must analyze them, study them and measure their viability to be clear that they are the perfect terms that are related to the products, services or specific characteristics of the website we want to position.
Google tools to choose the best keywords for your seo strategy
these are the steps to follow:
study the web, its products, services and features
the first step to detect the keywords that can best work to position a specific website is to be clear about the scope in which its sector, its products and its services operate.
If it is a company website
the keywords are usually those related to suddenly positioning what this company sells, but always trying to think about how users would search on the internet for companies that offer these services.
For example, if the website is for a shoe store, we spain phone number library will have to think about whether the page we want to position is specialized in a certain type of footwear, such as women’s party shoes and men’s party shoes.
the keywords will have
to be related to the searches that a user can make in this regard.
In addition, if we have a physical store and gseo work we want to position the website in the city where the store is located, we can also add local seo keywords in which the name of the city appears.
Example: women’s party shoes in barcelona.