Within a few minutes of registering. You will receive the first video and the promise. Of the second in your email.
After 2 days you will. Receive the second video with. The promise of the third.
After 4 days you will receive. The third video and an invitation to. A free webinar where we will go into more depth on. The topic that interests you.
We send an email to the user
who registers for the webinar with the data to sign up (you can easily do this with gotomeeting )
#7. Users who do not register for the webinar are senegal phone number library placed on a different list to create another funnel from that point.
#8. several reminders are sent to the registered user (this is done automatically by the gotomeeting platform).
At the end of the webinar
we make an irresistible offer, limited in time gseo work and exclusive to the users who are watching us.
#10. We put users who buy from us in another suddenly positioning segmented list because their level of “maturity” to become a client is greater than those who, for example, did not register for the webinar.