Long-lasting smartphone: how to choose, rating

Many modern smartphones are equipped with a fast charging function – the ability to charge up to 100% in a couple of hours. But when performing a number of user-defined tasks, many of them are discharged by the end of the day, so autonomy is an important factor when choosing a device.

In this article, we will look at how many days a smartphone battery should hold a charge, what criteria to use to choose a smartphone with a long operating time, and the top longest-lasting smartphones in different price categories.

How many days should a smartphone battery last?

It is worth noting that most smartphones do not go more than a day without recharging the battery. If you practically do not use the device or only make a small number canada phone number list of calls, you can count on a longer period. But modern gadgets are designed in such a way that they constantly have to function in multitasking mode. In addition, even in idle mode, a number of applications run in them that discharge the smartphone. That is, the more useful functions it has, the higher the load on its battery.

Therefore, active users must make a balanced decision: either give up some software functions or charge the battery more often.

What drains your smartphone’s battery the fastest:

Intensive use. The system consumes energy in waves at tapasya bali founder ceo maximum load, reducing the charge by fractions of a percent in a few minutes. This can be due to constant conversations, games, open messengers, etc.
Modular energy redistribution – GPS navigation, Wi-Fi in the background, searching for towers for 4G/LTE communication (for example, a base station is within reach, but is filled with other subscribers, and the phone is dynamically redirected to another one, access to which, due to its remoteness, requires more energy costs).
Bright display and backlight time.

The backlight for a regular LCD

Screen consumes a significant amount of power. If you reduce the singapore lead time before locking (for example, 20 seconds), you can significantly extend the battery life of the smartphone. You can also adjust the adaptive brightness. And the latest organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays have the ability to self-illuminate individual pixels, which relieves users of the general matrix backlight.
Baseband processor. Its operation depends on the distance of the base station. The further it is, the faster the charge runs out.

Smartphone Autonomy Evaluation Criteria

One of the most important factors when choosing a phone is its autonomy. In turn, it depends on the battery capacity, software optimization and energy consumption of various components of the device.

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