Shops 9177 » 5 Main Reasons Why Lures Are Defective

5 Main Reasons Why Lures Are Defective

Swimming lures with defective performance not only fail to trap fish, but may even scare away the fish in the area.

Why can this happen?

Reasons for Defective Lures
Often, we all pay more attention to other components such as rods and reels than the most important item, which is the lure itself.

In the world of lures, it is the lure’s swimming action that has an impact on the success of seducing fish.

Most lures today have been perfectly fine-tuned from the factory.

But the problem is, when we do a little modification it will often affect the balance and distort the lure’s swimming action.

Let’s take a look at the five main factors that most commonly

1. Diameter of the Leader
This is the most important factor.

Increasing the diameter of the leader will affect the Database balance of the lure because it affects the sinking rate and the level of diving depth of the lure.

The larger the diameter of the leader used, the harder it is for the lure to reach the targeted dive level.

This is because a large leader diameter will add more water resistance.

The lure will take longer to reach the required depth either by trolling, trolling or just letting it sink.

Depending on the type of bait, adding 30lb of leader size can affect the lure’s dive rate by up to 5 seconds, especially in running water.

Although the diameter of the leader has more impact the length of the leader also has an effect


This information is useful when we are trying to Shops 9177 target our lure to dive to the deep bottom in a fast current, without having to reduce the size of the leader diameter.

The method is to shorten the leader.

On the other hand, a longer leader will give an advantage when we want to keep our lure above the underwater structure.

The key is:

— A short leader reduces water drag (resistance) and allows the lure to dive deeper.

3. Size Eye Kali & Split Ring
Changing hooks and larger splits will add weight and more water resistance to the lure.

This will definitely affect the natural swimming action of the lure.

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