For your website to reach the top of Google search results, several actions are necessary, one of which is the application of SEO techniques .
With some important adjustments to the texts and pages of the website, it is possible to attract the attention of the robots of the largest search engine in the world and increase the chances of reaching the first page organically, that is, without ads.
SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization. Which in Portuguese can bas Search Engine Optimization System. In short, SEO corresponds to a series of resources that are on the pages of your website so that Google begins to see your content as relevant and, therefore, starts to display your website in users’ searches.
When you type something into Google’s search field, a series of results appear, right? SEO techniques are used precisely so that your page competes with others that offer products or services similar to yours.
The better positioned your page is in the results that Google presents, the more chances you will have of receiving visits and, consequently, conversions.
Does SEO bring quick results?
Look, improving your company’s special database on Google organically is not an overnight process.
Before going out there and applying SEO techniques, it is necessary to study the scenario and the competition, so that the actions to boost ranking on Google promptly meet the scope of the strategy.
The problem is that many companies either don’t know how Google works very well or don’t plan ahead before starting digital marketing actions. As a result, SEO techniques don’t bring the expected results and all the effort.
Therefore, in this article I will bring together some mistakes that companies make when investing in SEO and explain why they can harm the performance of your digital strategy.
READ MORE: Google organic search can make your business take off!
Don’t make these seven SEO mistakes!
If you want to compete for a spot in the the asus zenbook s 16 (2024) touchpad is superb positions of Google results, apply SEO techniques correctly and avoid these mistakes now:
Using the wrong keywords
Remember when I talked about the changsha mobile phone number list that precedes the application of SEO techniques? This is the stage where you define the best keywords to guide your digital marketing planning, which includes blog posts, website content, image naming, and other actions. If you use the wrong keywords, you will attract the wrong audience to your website.